The East Coast blog of Chester and his two parents as they explore a whole new world...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Manchester City

Before I start, Manchester City is a soccer team based in Manchester England, that Zach and I started following about a year ago during the World Cup in South Africa.  They are kinda of like the A's to the Giants, the Angels to the Dodgers, and the Mets to the Yankees.  Manchester United is arguably one of the most famous and successful sports teams in the world, and Manchester City has never gotten the same worldwide fanfare and following.  This was part of the reason we started rooting for them, but back to the story.

Went to a bar called the Mad Hatter, which is the official Manchester City bar in New York.  And more than that, it's roughly 7 blocks from my house!

So on May 14th, they were in the final's for the FA cup, a championship they haven't won since 1969.
I got there early, but it felt as though I was at a family reunion but I didn't know anyone.  People from all ages, started pouring into the bar, giving hugs and asking how their kids, wives, or themselves were doing.  They all knew each other by name as well as the bartenders.  

I won't write any more details of the game... But CITY WON!!!

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